Inside PR #141 – Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Comments? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR David Jones, Martin Waxman and Julie Rusciolelli discuss how, in these turbulent times, an agency communicates with their employees on the inside.

Show Notes:

00:25 Dave opens the show.

01:00 Dave introduces the discussion issue for the show: Internal Communications.

01:19 Martin discusses how he came up with the show topic.

03:02 Martin introduces the show topic: In these turbulent times, how does an agency communicate with their employees on the inside?

03:37 Julie talks about 3 principles of internal communications 1) If implementing internal communications, it has to be with someone of authority, someone senior. 2)It has to be often 3) There has to be an action plan.

05:24 Dave discusses the importance of consistency.

13:47 Julie discusses not having closed-door meetings.

17:30 Martin talks about how he believes the recession will affect Generation Y.

18:12 Dave discusses Gen Y and the recession.

18:35 Julie gives her opinion on Gen Y and the effects of the recession.

21:25 Martin talks about how companies are using social media tools for internal communications.

24:54 Dave discusses Web 2.0 and internal communications and mentions two resources 1) Niall Cook, who has written a book about using Web 2.0 tactics within the enterprise. He also gave a talk about the topic at Third Tuesday Toronto in October.  and 2) Amanda Brewer, Director of Change & Internal Communications at Hill & Knowlton, who has started blogging.

26:37 Dave mentions Shel Holtz and how he has written a lot about Web 2.0 and internal communications.

27:21 Dave wraps up the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Janna Guberman.

Inside PR #133 – Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Comments? Send us an email or an audio comment to [email protected], visit the Inside PR Blubrry site, or leave us a comment on the Inside PR show blog.

This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis and David Jones continue to discuss the coverage of the current economic situation and how it relates to PR and media in Canada.

Show Notes

00:26 Dave opens the show.

01:56 Terry mentions the WKRP episode that featured the Thanksgiving “Turkey Drop”.

03:35 Dave mentions that the comment line for Inside PR is no longer being used. However if you would like to leave a comment you can record one and send it into [email protected].

04:10 Dave introduces the show topic: The coverage of the current economic situation and how it relates to PR and media in Canada.

07:10 Dave mentions that bigger PR agencies such as Hill & Knowlton, Edelman, Weber Shandwick and Burson-Marsteller are better equipped to handle economic downturns.

08:25 Terry talks about the importance of having a balance of clients in agencies.

09:00 Terry mentions that start-up companies are a little more anxious in these times.

09:33 Terry mentions a blog post on this by Todd Defren of the PR Squared blog.

12:52 Terry reads a line from Todd’s post, quoted from an article in the Harvard Business Review.

17:02 Terry mentions other things agencies can do in the current economic situation: No big investments, but continued marketing efforts.

23:19 Dave mentions the importance of putting your agency on the digital map, now, if possible.

29:08 Terry closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Janna Guberman.