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This week on Inside PR Terry Fallis, David Jones and Martin Waxman are podcasting live from Podcamp Toronto at Ryerson University and host the show as a Q & A session with their live audience.

00:29 Terry opens the show.

00:49 Terry reminds us that Inside PR is being recorded live at Podcamp Toronto which is held at Ryerson University.

00:57 Terry tells us the show topic will be determined by audience questions this week, with some focus on the role of social media within public relations.

01:42 Maureen McBride asks Terry, Dave and Martin for their opinion regarding the balance between traditional media and social media and how that balance is changing within the public relations field.

10:04 Dave asks the audience, specifically those who work in PR, what their biggest fear is when it comes to working within the social media space.

10:20 An audience member asks whether or not PR agencies understand the time sensitivity involved in engaging with social media, as opposed to the time allowances of working with traditional media.

15:16 Diana Spremo, an independent PR practitioner, asks Terry, Dave and Martin to define the social media press release.

16:18 Dave tells the audience that that Boris Spremo, Diana’s father, is a legendary photojournalist, who has worked for such publications as the Toronto Star.

19:48 Audience member Danny Brown asks if it might be time for PR to have a regulatory body.

25:05 Heather Robinson asks Terry, Dave and Martin as PR practitioners how they convince their clients to give social media a try.

31:53 Michelle Sullivan asks everyone what they think the future of traditional media might hold.

33:52 Terry closes the show.

Our theme music is Streetwalker by Cjacks and is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network; Roger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Sarah Laister.


  1. Great audio discussion.

    I definitely think PR is changing and more PR firms seem to be jumping on the social media bandwagon, which I think is a smart idea. It definitely seems to be a new area that’s generally working for most.


  2. Sarah Bannoff

    I wanted to respond to the comment that many companies resist social media because of the attendant risk that people will express unfavourable opinions about their brand, and they will lose control over their messages.

    Many studies in psychology have shown that people are more persuaded by two-sided arguments than by one-sided arguments alone. This is because when you acknowledge the arguments against your position, you have the opportunity to counter them.

    Most people recognize that no brand is perfect. The best strategy is not to quell or ignore negative discussion of your brand, but to be ready to respond to objections. Far from destabilizing your organization’s reputation, engaging in social media in this way can strengthen your credibility in a very real way.

    Absolute control over messaging is dead. The discussion is already underway online. The question is no longer “Should we respond in social media?” but “What will our response be?”

    ~ Sarah Bannoff

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