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This week on Inside PR, Martin and Gini discuss ghost blogging and whether it should be done or not.

0:25 Martin opens the show.

1:44 Martin thanks Sallie Goetsch for helping us correct a glitch with last week’s episode of Inside PR. (Thanks again, Sallie!)

2:17 Martin tells us about a great movie he saw over the weekend, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

3:26 Gini introduces this week’s topic: ghost blogging and talks about a discussion that went on about it on her blog post.

8:10 Gini wonders if there is a middle ground with ghost blogging – should we do it for clients or not?

8:17 Martin shares his perspective.

18:10 Martin closes the show.

Our theme music was created by Damon de SzegheoRoger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Yasmine Kashefi.


  1. Great addition to the debate on the topic Ghost Blogging.

    One thing I would say about it is that a company blog doesn’t need to be written by your owner/ceo/top brass but it should be written by an employee speaking as an employee. If your company doesn’t have somebody that can engage an audience through a blog, or any other type of social media tactic, then I would you’ve got to look really hard at your hiring practices and you are really missing out on an opportunity to engage and connect with potential (or current) customers.

    The other thing that I really enjoyed was that you took the topic down to the level of “main street. Blogging, whether written or in video can play the same, if not bigger role than it can for big companies and it is still a great opportunity to share and connect. Smaller companies often compete on connection and service – for example, I might to go a small local store instead of Walmart because they give me personalized service that comes from a connection on a human level, even though prices are higher. As such, I see a blog as a way to start or further this connection in a virtual way before a face to face one is made. So blogging is another angle with which Main Street can compete with Wall Street, and win.

    The final thing I would say is that I would recommend to anyone that believes they don’t have the time (because we always do find time for the things we find most critical) for blogging that you should start to think more broadly about what blogging can mean can be for your company. If you’re top brass don’t have time or aren’t very personable, try an interview format as a good interviewer/moderator can really bring out the best in a subject. Have a personable staff member act as a “reporter” and show all of the stuff that goes on behind the scenes in the company. Your CEO boring? Turn him into “The Most Boring CEO in the World” and have fun with it. Afterall, if you’re not having fun, why bother getting out bed in the morning at all?

    Much like Mitch, I’m scared to see the medium begin to get polluted by lazy thinkers that are out to make a short term gain in response (ie sales, page rank) before they move onto the next big thing. Avoid being too scared to take risks, put yourself out there and fail. Stay human and as Seth Godin might say, fight the lizard brain’s tendency to hide behind the curtain or cower in the corner.

    Anyways, great show and brought something new to a debate that I thought was getting a bit stale. Gotta go, I got so wrapped in this I burnt the panini I was grilling….


  1. Ghosts of blogging future «

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